Istat blood
Istat blood


In conclusion, this study shows that blood gas analysis using the i-STAT portable device is comparable with that performed by a conventional laboratory blood gas analyser. Between 16 and 55 kPa (n=44), there was a systematic but small (-0.69+/-0.67 kPa) underestimation of Pa,O2 measured with the i-STAT (p<10(-8)). This revolutionary, handheld analyzer provides reliable test results in just minutes, using as little as two drops of blood and a test cartridge. Below 15 kPa (n=48), the two systems gave nearly identical values, the mean difference was 0.01+/-0.37 kPa. i-STAT® 1 i-STAT® 1 by Abbott Manufacturer Abbott 4.3 / 5.0 17 reviews Write your own review Lab-accurate without the wait. The performance of the analysers depended on the level of PO2. Statistical analysis showed that the differences between analysers did not depend on values of pH or Pa,CO2. pH and Pa,CO2 values measured with the i-STAT were very close to those obtained with the ABL520, the difference (mean+/-SD) being 0.006+/-0.018 and -0.13+/-0.17 kPa, respectively. Scan Patient armband for CSN 9-digit in LPCH and 12-digit in SHC Enter twice if manually enter in. Differences between duplicate measurements were computed for Pa,CO2: (1.2 versus 0.4%), Pa,O2 (1.7 versus 1.1%) and pH (0.06 versus 0.02%), for the i-STAT and ABL520, respectively. I-STAT Training - Quick Tips Point-Of-Care-Testing DepartmentClinical LaboratoriesStanford Health CareStanford Children’s Health Patient/ Operator ID entry Patient ID entry: Joint Commission requirement for 2 forms Patient Identification. All measurements were performed in duplicate by trained technicians from the central hospital laboratory. Prime Plus is a rapid, whole blood critical care analyzer that offers the broadest choice of assays including Chem 8, Blood Gases, Lactate, and H&H.

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Ninety-two samples from the routine blood gas analysis laboratory were chosen according to a wide distribution of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pa,CO2), partial pressure oxygen (Pa,O2) and pH and then analysed. The performance of the i-STAT portable clinical analyser for measuring blood gases and pH was evaluated with reference to a conventional blood gas analyser (ABL520 Radiometer).

Istat blood