If I find out about one, I’ll be sure to mention why in the Suggested MMO List. There may also be a technical issue that won’t allow me to play a certain MMO title, so keep that in mind. Also MMOs I’ve had a history with tend to be easier for me to work with, as I know the very basics and don’t have to start completely from scratch. For the most part, I use a combination of what I’d like to play, what other people are interested in, and what I am able to play within time constraints. Q: (Insert MMO here) is awesome! Why haven’t you reviewed it?!Ī: The slower release schedule of the show, combined with the SHEER NUMBER of free-to-play MMO games out there means it’s probably going to take me a long time to get to one you might want me to get to. Just makes sure what you suggest isn’t something that’s already there, but I’m fine with people talking more about a certain title they have an interest in. It’s much less likely if you choose to leave a suggestion in the comments of a blog I’ve posted an episode at, so don’t get too upset if you’ve done just that, and see I haven’t added it to the list. (Best example for looking it up first: The sheer amount of people asking me to play Kitsu Saga when it was shut down several months ago.) Otherwise, you can e-mail me at with any suggestions. Leave a comment and I’ll get around to adding it to the list once I’ve looked into it. Q: Where can I leave suggestions for MMOs to review?Ī: The best place is the comments of the Suggested MMO List on this site. I will try my best to release a new episode every other Wednesday, but in the event I get done early I might release it to blip on that week’s Monday or Tuesday.
#Eden eternal private server no pay to win update#
I will try to be sure to AT LEAST get an episode out once a month, and if I do go longer than two weeks, you can be sure to find an update as to why on this site. Keep in mind that the two-week schedule is roughly tentative. This allows me a lot of time to take care of other things I need to take care of at home but grants me enough time to allow for any issues with filming, editing or installing that may come up. The second reason I chose a longer amount of time, is because I wanted to be sure I had enough time to play the game to a point where I could understand the basic principles.

The first is that I wanted some sort of regular schedule to complete these videos in, so that people could come to expect them within a certain time frame. Q: Why is the show schedule bi-weekly (one episode every two weeks)?Ī: There are two reasons I’ve done this. Be it killing monsters to level, playing the same match or course over and over, or even having to travel back to the same area repeatedly are all part of the “grind.” Also, it brings up mental images or a tool or a sandwich depending on who you ask. Why? Because Grinding is a part of every MMO in some way shape or form. So I jumped on the chance to create something with that name.

Not sure exactly when “MMO Grinder” came to me but I was VERY shocked to see that numerous Google searches turned up nothing but a Wikipedia page on the word “Grinding”, and someone asking for a free-to-play MMO in a forum. In addition to a lot of information about starting out, he advised me that I should pick a name that brought together the entire point of the series, with something that had a common link. I contacted Justin Carmical (JewWario) on the TGWTG forums and asked him tips about making a show.
#Eden eternal private server no pay to win tv#
(I had an idea for a reality TV review show called “Reality Check” but I’m hardly the only person who thought of that pun.) Unlike quite a few people on the internet, I actually check to see if anyone else is using a name regularly before I decide to use it. I was also constantly discouraged by issues when I’d come up with what I thought was a good title for something, I’d see it was used somewhere else. (See: “Chaos Reviews”) so when I was planning this out, my original title was “MMO M.O.” which pretty much doesn’t make any sense, I just thought it was clever. A: One thing I was always really bad at was coming up with names for things.